Old man (2002)

Distressed (2003)

Caught in blue kite (2002)

Chief (2004)

Ruminations with turban (2005)

Share thermometer (2004)

Contemplation (2003)

Crystallized (2002)

Rest (2003)

Disagreement (2003)

Diva (2003)

Dressage (2005)

He can’t fly (2004)

She waits (2004)

On the terrace (2003)

Committed (2002)

Faceted (2002)

Unconected with moon (2004)

Together in the empty city (2002)

Suburb motherhood (2003)

Orgasm (2003)

Clown (2006)

Retreat (2003)

It holds (2004)

Existential solitude (2003)

I’m different (2002)

Tango (2006)
“Drawings” by Mirta Narosky
My creative greed and my passion for the different visual languages, are driving me to different techniques, according to what I want to communicate and express. Drawing on its more academic way , whose iconographic construction requires the modulated line and chiaroscuro for articulation of volumes, surfaces and atmosphere appear when the intimate, autobiographical, melancholic subject…
The gray values and finish tip pencil, help me to come to that cosmogony of images. Its slow and tedious embodiment result in a slow observation of the viewer. They do not get a picture of impact, but the time for the journey to the depths of the work should be taken.
Critical text
Susan Franz – Art Criticism in the Argentinische Tageblatt (German newspaper)
“Art should reflect the present,” says Mirta Narosky and separation achieved here without problem.
When we observe her many impressive paintings one gets deeply emotional of the compassion that they expressed. The cry of humanity “no more” with regard to the exploitation of the planet earth, social injustice, power… Are we here in the presence of a dreamer? No way, Narosky has an intelligent source and sober vision, a capacity for abstraction and fantasy that touches the mysterious which, together with the extraordinary talent of this master of drawing and painting, allow her to create dense metaphors in canvas.
Narosky as young poet was often rewarded for her talent to write and express herself clearly and convincingly, although she chose painting as a means of expression. Here she found “her” way of expression for which no words are enough .
The gray values and finish tip pencil, help me to come to that cosmogony of images. Its slow and tedious embodiment result in a slow observation of the viewer. They do not get a picture of impact, but the time for the journey to the depths of the work should be taken.