Lic. Mirta Narosky

Artista plástica
She was born in Lanús, Province. Buenos Aires on October 20, 1959.
Since childhood receives national and international awards, including:
1967-3ª pavimentales prize spots. Adrogué, Buenos Aires. (Out of competition not meet the minimum age required).
1968-1ª prize Argentine rock painting contest. Embalse Rio III, Cordoba.
1971-3ª international prize painting and engraving. Brussels, Belgium.
1972-1ª national contest prize spots in the province of Salta.
She teaches a degree in fine arts (painting orientation), received at the National University of La Plata.She is superior thesis professor in the School of Fine Arts in Lanús . Participates as a juror , lectures and part of conferences at IUNA courses (University of Arts). Competition Jury teacher , drawing professor University of La Plata . She has numerous articles in newspapers , magazines , radio and TV around the country and abroad Illustrated books and works are in numerous art books.ç
Her works are in many places : National Atomic Energy Commission , within the country museums , Museum of Modern Art in Cuzco , Chateau des Reaux (France ) private collections in the country , Brazil, France , Italy, Cuba , Spain , Belgium and Israel.